The requirements for a good backlink Optimizing your website for organic referencing requires work on both your website (on-site) and others (off-site). External link building belongs to the latter and strongly influences the ranking of a website on Google. This...
There are many reasons why, sometimes, you might notice a drop in your organic traffic. Many studies prove it: SEO is one of the most powerful web marketing strategy. Although there are many benefits to SEO, some elements can jeopardize it and make your strategy fail,...
When building your SEO strategy, the off-site part is as just important as your on-site SEO. Google has always given great importance to backlinks to determine a website’s authority and popularity. Keep in mind that link building is great at strengthening your SEO...
SEO is the main channel for acquiring traffic for online store websites today. Organic searching alone would allow nearly 9 times more clicks to be generated than paid-for advertising, such as those coming from Adwords, for example. Like any online trader, your main...
SEO actions are usually implemented on a website to improve its ranking on Google. The American giant has since defined guidelines and limits to avoid abusive techniques – and does not hesitate to penalize websites that try to trick its ranking algorithm. If you...
Log analysis – an essential element of technical SEO – is used to reveal highly important information to improve your organic referencing, by giving you an accurate overview of what Google sees from your site. When applied to SEO, this analysis strictly...