Write your content in an AI editor tailored for SEO & Content Marketing teams

Produce high-quality content using the only AI specially created to meet your SEO challenges.

Reach new heights in SEO

AI+ Content uses your audience’s search intents and SERP results to generate content that is relevant to visitors and optimized for search engines.

Accelerate production without compromising SEO performance

AI+ Content is an AI trained for your SEO & Content Marketing challenges. All content written is validated by Content Score, guaranteeing that your content is properly optimized.

Write your content 6x faster

Increase your production speed: by entering a query or keyword, AI+ Content instantly provides you with catchy headlines, an outline and SEO-optimized paragraphs.


Kick your SEO content production into high gear

Generate a complete draft article optimized for any keyword in just one click. Delegate time-consuming tasks to AI, so you can focus on adding value and productivity!

How does AI+ Content work?
  • Title : Generate a striking title based on Google’s top content and boost your CTR
  • Introduction : Get an engaging, unduplicated introduction that includes your target keyword
  • Outline : Structure a complete article outline that fully meets the expectations of web users
  • Paragraph : Insert coherent paragraphs generated according to the content of your page and the information retrieved from SERPs
What are the benefits of AI+ Content?
  • Save time building your content
  • Produce optimized content based on Google SERP search intent, questions and related terms
  • Your editors will never be short of inspiration again
  • Focus on the essentials: your writing skills and business expertise




Content Score

80 average

35 average

Information accuracy

In real time


Hallucination Risk

Very low


Duplicate Content Risk

Very low


Prompt Engineering skills

Not required


Just one click away from accelerating the performance of your content