Semji helps Qilibri to rebalance the share of SEO in its web acquisition strategy
optimized content
SEO traffic
top 10 Google positions
Launched in 2019, Qilibri is a brand new company in the diet industry. The two french co-founders Antoine Chabassol and Bastien Moreau know what strategy to adopt to attack the food & wellness market. To make a place for themselves among the leaders in the field, they are categorical: Qilibri must gain visibility.
Antoine Chabassol, Co-founder
Quentin Leandri, Marketing Associate
Diet and nutrition
Increase website traffic through content
Increase business impact
Gain in productivity

The challenge
Faced with big competitors in the industry who can invest significant budgets in paid search, Qilibri called on Semji to readjust its website’s acquisition sources and increase its organic traffic share. Thanks to Semji and the support of an expert, Qilibri is able to optimize its content’s SEO performance.
The Goals
- Successfully migrate the Monpanierminceur website to Qilibri, without losing rankings in Google
- Increase the share of organic traffic compared to paid acquisition
- To become a leader in the diet industry
- Reinforce Qilibri’s rankings
- Accelerate the production capacity of SEO content
The actions we led
Identification of the right keywords to target and topics to address
Creation and optimization of 650 new contents
Internal linking strategy
EAT Strategy
Content performance monitoring
SEO training
Do you want to boost your SEO strategy and outperform your competitors too?
+650 SEO optimized contents
By using Semji, Qilibri has managed to set up a well-oiled Content Factory in a very short time! In just 10 months, the start-up produced nearly 650 pieces of content with an average length of 1250 words each.
Thanks to the prioritization work done with Semji, each content created contributes to the growth of Qilibri.

+60k users
After starting production in January, the site has grown exponentially and in August recorded a dazzling 60,000 users! Quentin Leandri, Marketing Associate, is very confident about the future. With Semji, all content brings gains and performance!
50% SEO acquisition
Regarding the initial objective of Qilibri to readjust the share of SEO / SEA traffic: the bet is won. In August, SEO represents 50% of the acquisition, as opposed to 4% a few months earlier. The share of SEO is thus multiplied by 13. The Qilibri site is no longer dependent on paid acquisition and records a nice progression.

TOP 3 on strategic keywords
By creating content with Semji, the brand quickly positioned itself on strategic keywords such as “Lose belly fat man”. Positioned in May in the top 15 with 700 monthly visits, the content reached the top 3 two months later with +6000 visits over the month.