Guide to SEO & Content Leadership: How to Secure the Top Spot in SERPs

Today’s highly competitive SEO landscape pushes you to act fast. As it evolves every day, creating an evergreen content creation process is not for the faint of heart. While you need to ensure content quality at all times, you also need to make sure your content is SEO-friendly, compliant with Google’s updates, and performs well.

But how do you balance SEO, quality, and performance to maintain your top position in SERPs?

In this webinar, our experts guided you through the most important factors to secure that top leadership spot and how to maintain it!

Webinar Brightspot & Semji

Watch the replay 👇


Miles De Feyter - Brightspot

Miles De Feyter
Director of Client Engagement & SEO


Corentin Mirande
Head of International Development


In 45 minutes, Miles De Feyter, Director of Customer Engagement & SEO at Brightspot, and Corentin Mirande, Head of International Development at Semji, shared tips on becoming the SEO leader in your market and how to keep your position.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why becoming the SEO leader in your industry should be a top priority
  • Where to allocate your team’s efforts to maximize your impact on SERPs
  • How to create and maintain content velocity while navigating Google’s updates