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Dalma uses Semji to build its SEO content strategy


pieces of content
published in 3 months


faster content

Dalma is a French health insurance company for dogs and cats founded in 2021. Its goal is to help pet owners ensure the well-being of their companions by offering a fully digital and transparent service. In just two years, it has successfully covered over 35,000 dogs and cats on a daily basis, demonstrating its growing popularity with pet owners.




Barbara Bechini, SEO Manager



Launch an SEO content strategy
Increase brand awareness
Improve productivity

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The challenge

Dalma wants to increase its expertise’s visibility through content, while following SEO best practices. By partnering with Semji, Dalma aims to make its day-to-day content management and SEO optimization easier, to secure a strong position against established competitors.

The goal

  • Set up a sound SEO foundation for their blog
  • Push competitors out of their top positions
  • Set up an efficient Content Factory
  • Ensure optimal production velocity
  • Increase SEO traffic and attract new customers

Our actions

SEO recommendations

Identifying SEO wins


Production fine-tuning

Content creation and optimization

Content planning

Netlinking strategy

Want to expand your SEO strategy and outperform your competitors?


180 optimized contents published in 3 months

Dalma managed to publish 180 pieces of content in just three months. The use of Semji has enabled them to trade off tasks with less added value and focus their efforts on the mass production of optimized content. Thanks to the Semji Content Score, the editors can be assured that their articles meet the expected SEO requirements, bringing greater peace of mind and confidence to the team. The monitoring and management of this production has been centralized and simplified, enabling Dalma to efficiently manage the contributions of some forty writers.

2x faster content publication

By using Semji, Dalma has managed to halve each stage of its content production. By automating briefs for each targeted keyword, Dalma’s teams quickly retrieve all the information they need to create high-performance content. This enables copywriters to rapidly ramp up their SEO skills. Today, they can better focus on their added value: their business expertise.

Semji helps me manage my content strategy and accelerate the writing process. The solution allows me to free myself from tasks with the least value and to invest my efforts more efficiently and redistribute the added value. It’s a virtuous circle.

Barbara Becheni
SEO Manager

Your one click away from taking your content performance to the next level