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The key to any successful SEO strategy for international brands is to address local audiences accurately in their native language. Indeed, the mistake is to assume that what works in SEO in one country will work elsewhere. Your content strategy is an essential driver for achieving excellent international SEO results. But simply translating content isn’t enough : every piece of translated content needs to be optimized for the country and language you’re targeting with SEO. Without a tool, optimizing your international content for SEO is often time-consuming and complex. That’s why Semji now enables you to optimize your content for 128 countries and 13 languages, so you can achieve even greater visibility on Google.

International SEO: how to adapt your content strategy ?

When it comes to producing SEO content for your different markets, you’re bound to encounter a number of issues : what are the services and uses in this country? Which keywords should be targeted, and for each keyword, what is the semantic field? Is there a seasonal pattern specific to this country? What strategy do local competitors use? To these questions must be weighed another aspect : international content production flow. Perhaps you have several service providers in charge of your multilingual content, or you work with local branches to create content in their native language. Each of these arrangements brings its own set of complexities ! Among them, the risk of an inconsistent or mismatched editorial strategy, the lack of SEO visibility for produced content, the difficulties in checking optimization quality and results… With Semji, take up the challenge of international expansion and conquer new markets. Now available in 13 languages (French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian and Swedish), Semji lets you manage your SEO content strategy in 130+ different countries. You can :

  • Optimize your content for each geolocalized Google version
  • Organize your content planning by country
  • Identify international content opportunities
  • Track the performance of your SEO campaigns for each country

How to optimize your international content with Semji?

If you want to increase your international visibility and your website is multilingual and/or multi-regional, the basic rule is to be visible in your target markets. In an international SEO approach, you need to increase exposure for your strategic keywords on the different geolocalized Google versions.

Identify the expectations of your local audience

Depending on the country and/or region, each Google results page for the same keyword will be different, since it’s based on local user intentions. If we take Canada for example, queries made in Quebec, where the official language is French, will not have the same search intentions as queries made in Ontario in English. Beyond language, other elements come into play. The culture, norms and conventions specific to the target market will have an impact on the usage and behavior of online users. With Semji, it’s now easy to identify what online users expect in terms of content, whatever the target country and/or region. Depending on the market where your content needs to be visible, and the search engine you want to rank on (,, …), Semji retrieves, aggregates and returns the latest data to provide you with the most relevant SEO recommendations. For each targeted query, you’ll discover :

  • If the structure of your content matches the audience’s most searched topics. Semji enables you to identify the major topics to be addressed (Search Intents) by search volume (what is the audience expecting us to do?) and by competitive analysis (Who am I competing against? Which topic is essential to cover? Which topic is rarely covered, and where do I have an opportunity to increase my ranking?)
  • The lexical field (Topics) required to make your content semantically rich and relevant to the audience. Opposite each suggestion, the platform displays the number of times the term is used by your competitors, and highlights the goal you need to reach.
  • Questions asked by online users about your main keyword, so that your content provides as many relevant answers as possible. By answering these questions, you increase your chances of ranking in positon 0 on Google’s SERP and in the People Also Ask insert !

Discover the strategy of your local SEO competitors

Adapting to your market means analyzing who’s in it. With Semji, you can carry out in-depth competitive research, whatever the country or search engine. Not only can you track competitors’ best practices, but you can also leverage their weaknesses to improve your ranking! For each targeted keyword, quickly identify competitors’ content plans, article lengths and topics. You’ll then have every chance of creating content that stands out from the crowd.

Identify new SEO opportunities

Going international means opening up to new growth opportunities. Semji is part of your company’s development strategy. Even before launching your content production, the platform enables you to identify keywords with high search volume to rank for, and to plan new content creation in just a few clicks ! Semji not only ensures that you produce high-performance SEO content, but also unlocks new opportunities !

How to efficiently organize international SEO content production ?

Setting up an efficient international SEO content production process can quickly become a challenge. You can either outsource content translation or work with local partners. This adds complexity and makes it difficult to optimize international content for SEO. With Semji, you can easily manage the production of your international SEO content, while ensuring proper SEO optimization of each piece of content produced.

Organize your content production by team and market segment.

Market segmentation is key to any successful development strategy in your foreign markets. Semji lets you set up a dedicated Workspace for each target markets. Each Workspace includes its own users, content planning, SEO performance monitoring and reports. To create a Workspace, simply define a target location for your website, connect your Search Console account and add users. You can invite your local teams, as well as external freelancers and content agencies.

Track your content’s SEO performance for each market.

54% of marketing decision-makers find it difficult to assess the benefits of SEO content optimization. Semji has been designed to make it easy for you to track your content performance, by integrating your Search Console, Google Analytics and AT internet data in one place. For international expansion, each target market and related website has its own dedicated workspace. Semji features a range of customizable reports based on performance indicators, making it easy to track the results generated by your different editorial teams. You can track traffic, conversions and sales generated by your international SEO content campaigns.


When it comes to international expansion, SEO is one of the key to successfully increasing visibility in your various markets. But the more markets you target, the more complex your organization can become. Semji simplifies your day-to-day work: all your content campaigns are integrated into a single tool, making your international SEO strategy more effective. You save time and speed up your content’s SEO performance. Ask for your personalized Semji demo ! Find out how Semji can help you boost the SEO performance of your international content !