Terms of SaaS Service


These Terms of SaaS Service (the “Terms of Service”), which are incorporated into the terms of the Agreement, describe the specific provisions applicable to the Services which prevail over the general provisions of the Agreement in the event of contradiction and / or supplement the general provisions of the Contract.


Except as otherwise provided in these Terms of Services, capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meaning as in the article “Definitions” of the Agreement.
The terms defined below have the following meaning in singular and plural.

AI Call: an AI Call is a process launched when the user presses one of the buttons calling on the Service’s artificial intelligence functions. The number of AI Calls consumed depends on the functionality used. The number of AI Calls consumed is displayed in the user interface for each functionality. One or more AI Calls is/are consumed when the process ends without error.
An AI Call is NOT used up when

  • it does not end or ends with an error; or
  • it has not generated any words for text-generating features.

Analysis: an analysis is a process launched from a Focus Keyword that includes a phase of collecting a large amount of semantic data and then a phase of processing this data in order to be able to render it in the form of title tag recommendations, content depth (Length), semantic fields (Topics), questions from Internet users (Questions), for a Focus Keyword.
An analysis is consumed when the User:

  • creates a new content by adding a Focus Keyword; or
  • imports an URL from an existing site; or
  • changes a Focus Keyword on an existing page that has not already been analyzed for this page; or
  • refreshes an analysis on a page already analyzed, on a Focus Keyword that has already been analyzed.

All Analysis for which 1 credit has been used up are kept without a time limit.
An Analysis is NOT used up when:

  • it does not end or ends with an error; or
  • the Client for a given page changes Focus Keyword and returns to a Focus Keyword for which an analysis has already been made.

The Client has access to the consumption logs (date, user, Focus Keyword).

Analyzed URL: As part of the Search Intelligence Service, an Analyzed URL is either a) an URL from the Client’s website associated with the Workspace where the Dashboard is activated, or b) an URL from competitors’ websites listed in the Dashboard. The number of Analyzed URLs is accessible in the Client’s Dashboard.

Anomaly: means a Service reproducible defect, malfunction, or non-compliance with its Documentation. Anomalies must be qualified by Semji and are classified into three categories.

  • Level 1 Anomaly: Anomaly reproducible by Semji which makes it impossible to access sales collection functionalities and for which there can be no technical or organizational workaround.
  • Level 2 Anomaly: Anomaly reproducible by Semji which renders the access or use of one (1) or more essential functionalities of the Service inoperative and for which there may be a technical or organizational workaround.
  • Level 3 Anomaly: Anomaly reproducible by Semji which does not have the characteristics of a Level 1 and Level 2 Anomaly.

Application Programming Interface (API): means the programmable interface or programming interface comprising a set of functions, routines, classes and methods that allow one software to interact with another independently created software.

Brief: a set of human-readable recommendations for writing or rewriting a text around a theme defined by a Focus Keyword.

Content Ideas Call: a Content Ideas Call is a process launched when the user generates ideas of content.
A Content Ideas Call is consumed when it has generated at least one idea.
A Content Ideas Call is NOT used up when

  • it does not end or ends with an error; or
  • it has not generated any idea.

Dashboard: All data from the Search Intelligence Service associated with 1 Workspace.

Focus Keyword: main keyword of a page of a website.

Incoming Link: means a recommendation for internal linking to the URL of the page worked on and for a Focus Keyword.

POD or Point of Delivery: means the production infrastructures of the Service.

Maintenance Window: means the period of time during which the Service may be down for Planned Maintenance in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Services. The Maintenance Window is defined all day from 00h00 to 07h00 and from Friday 20h00 to Sunday 20h00 CET/CEST.

Organization: account for a Client with 1 or more Workspaces and Users.

Opening Hours: means the days and hours during which Support is provided to the Client as indicated on the Portal and according to the level of Support subscribed to by the Client.

Planned Maintenance: means the maintenance of the Service that Semji schedules at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance.

Request: means any reproducible application functions incident met by the Client and reproducible by Semji when using the Service and any Anomaly reported to Semji by the Client.

Search Intent: a Search Intent is a process launched from a Focus Keyword which includes a phase of collecting a large quantity of semantic data and then a phase of processing this data in order to be able to return it in the form of an editorial recommendation for a Focus Keyword.
All Search Intents for which 1 credit has been used are kept without a time limit. A Search Intent is NOT consumed when it does not end or ends with an error.
The Client has access to the consumption logs (date, user, Focus Keyword).

Specific Development: means the computer programs designed and produced by Semji for the Client according to their needs.

Update:: refers to enhancements provided to the Service standard application functions, and decided unilaterally by Semji, with regard to functional changes and provided that such adaptations or evolutions do not make it necessary to rewrite a substantial part of the standard application functions. The Updates also include the correction of Service Anomalies, and their Documentation.

Urgent Maintenance: means the Service interruption, outside Maintenance Windows, due to the application of security patches or urgent fixes or any other critical maintenance. Urgent Maintenance can occur at any time.

Professional Support Services:: Professional Services included in a SaaS service offering.

Workspace: refers to a set of application functionalities accessible online, linked to a single website and a single Google Search Console account.



The effective scope of the ordered Service is defined in the Order Form or the Online Order.

3.1. Functional scope and limitations

Functionality Basic & Basic Agency Business & Business Agency Unlimited
Number of users Maximum of 2 Business: 5 by default and more in option
Business Agency: unlimited
Number of workspaces Maximum of 1 1 by default and more in option One country : unlimited on a given country
Worldwide : unlimited
Language interface Only 1 among EN, FR, ES, IT 1 by default and more in option among EN, FR, ES, IT All among EN, FR, ES, IT
Semantic engine languages (ISO 639 codes) FR, ES, DE, IT, EN, NL, PT, PL, TR, SV, FI, NO, LT, DA, HU, RO FR, ES, DE, IT, EN, NL, PT, PL, TR, SV, FI, NO, LT, DA, HU, RO FR, ES, DE, IT, EN, NL, PT, PL, TR, SV, FI, NO, LT, DA, HU, RO
Data history 13 months unlimited unlimited
Google Search Console integration yes yes yes
Google Analytics integration Sessions, Bounce rate, Pages per session, Time on page, Conversion rate, Transactions, Transaction rate, Revenue Sessions, Bounce rate, Pages per session, Time on page, Conversion rate, Transactions, Transaction rate, Revenue Sessions, Bounce rate, Pages per session, Time on page, Conversion rate, Transactions, Transaction rate, Revenue
Matomo, Piano analytics, Adobe analytics, Piwik Pro integration no option option
Editorial planning yes yes yes
Customize editorial process configurable configurable configurable
Prioritize pages by Traffic, Conversions, Transactions, Revenue yes yes yes
Role management no yes yes
Content extractor optimized optimized optimized
Single Sign On (SSO) no yes yes
Log of Analytics usage yes yes yes
Keywords to exclude yes yes yes
Comments in editor no yes yes
Chrome extension no option unlimited
Rank tracking no 500 Focus Keywords /Organization unlimited
Maximum number of prioritized pages 1,000 /Workspace 1,000 /Workspace 1,000 /Workspace
Maximum number of Analysis 500 /year /Organization 3,000 /year /Organization unlimited
Maximum number of AI Calls 500 /year /Organization 7,000 /year /Organization One country: 75,000 /year /Organization
Worldwide: 150,000 /year /Organization
Maximum number of Content ideas calls 200 /year /Organization 600 /year /Organization unlimited
Maximum number of folders 10 folders unlimited unlimited

Legacy offers:

Functionality Starter Pro Custom
Number of users Maximum of 5 Maximum of 10 unlimited
Number of workspaces Maximum of 1 Maximum of 1 custom
Language interface Only 1 among EN, FR, ES, IT Only 1 among EN, FR, ES, IT custom
Semantic engine languages (ISO 639 codes) FR, ES, DE, IT, EN, NL, PT, PL, TR, SV, FI, NO, LT, DA, HU, RO FR, ES, DE, IT, EN, NL, PT, PL, TR, SV, FI, NO, LT, DA, HU, RO FR, ES, DE, IT, EN, NL, PT, PL, TR, SV, FI, NO, LT, DA, HU, RO
Data history 13 months 24 months unlimited
Google Search Console integration yes yes yes
Google Analytics integration Sessions, Bounce rate, Pages per session, Time on page Starter +Conversions Pro +Conversion rate +Transactions +Transaction rate +Revenue
Matomo, Piano analytics, Adobe analytics, Piwik Pro integration no no no
Editorial planning yes yes yes
Customize editorial process configurable configurable configurable
Prioritize pages by Traffic, Conversions, Transactions, Revenue Traffic only Traffic only yes
Role management no yes yes
Content extractor generic generic optimized
Single Sign On (SSO) no no yes
Log of Analytics usage yes yes yes
Keywords to exclude yes yes yes
Comments in editor no no yes
Chrome extension no no option
Rank tracking no no no
Maximum number of prioritized pages 250 /Workspace 500 /Workspace 1,000 /Workspace
Maximum number of Analysis 40 /month /Organization 100 /month /Organization custom
Maximum number of AI Calls 100 /year /Organization 200 /year /Organization 500 /year /Organization
Maximum number of Content ideas calls 20 /year /Organization 40 /year /Organization 200 /year /Organization
Maximum number of folders 5 folders 10 folders unlimited


3.2. Scope of the Professional Support Services

Services Basic & Basic Agency Business & Business Agency Unlimited
Support Chat, Email & Help center yes yes yes
Telephone & visio support no yes yes
Dedicated onboarding yes yes yes
SEO Content Consultant (*) 6 hours /year /Organization Business : 24 hours /year /Organization
Business Agency : 12 hours /year /Organization
Unlimited One country: 100 hours /year /Organization
Unlimited Worldwide: 200 heures /year /Organization

(*) SEO Content Consultant hours include preparation time, email and document processing time, as well as exchange time.

Legacy offers:

Services Starter Pro Custom
Support Chat, Email & Help center yes yes yes
Telephone & visio support no no yes
Dedicated onboarding no no yes
SEO Content Consultant (*) no no custom

3.3 Unlimited offers

Unlimited One country” and “Unlimited Worldwide” offers are limited to the Client’s Subsidiaries, “Subsidiaries” having the meaning defined in the General Terms and Conditions.


This Service is provided in BETA. The effective scope of the ordered Service is defined in the Order Form. This Service does not function without the CONTENT HUB Service.

4.1. Functional scope and limitations

Functionality Search Intelligence
Number of Dashboards 1
Frequency of Dashboard data updates monthly
Maximum number of Analyzed URL 100,000 per Organisation
Number of competitors per Dashboard 5 by default and more in option
provided that it does not exceed the maximum number of Analyzed URL
Maximum number of topics per Dashboard 10
Maximum number of personas per Dashboard 10
Data history unlimited
Number of users depending on plan chosen in the Content hub Service

4.2. Scope of the Professional Support Services

Services Search Intelligence
Support Chat, Email & Help center yes
Telephone & visio support yes
Dedicated Onboarding yes
Consultant (*) 24 hours /year /Organization

(*) Consultant hours include preparation time, email and document processing time, as well as exchange time.


Certain Services are subject to usage limits. These limits are calculated for the duration of the Service specified in this Terms of SaaS Service or in the Order Form. Once these limits have been exceeded, the Client will no longer be able to use the Service, which may have an impact on the use of the Service. The Client must either extend their contract earlier or subscribe to a SaaS Service offering a higher limit.
If the Client has not reached a limit during the Term of the Service, any unused usage cannot be carried forward and is lost.
As this is a Service limit, Semji cannot be held responsible for the consequences of exceeding these thresholds.
For Custom offers, the “custom” limits are defined in the Order Form.


6.1. Project manager

For Clients purchasing an offer that is not Starter or Pro, the Client and Semji agree to designate a Project Manager as a privileged point of contact to ensure good communication between the Parties.

6.2. Data connection

Some features, such as reporting, automated URL import, page prioritization cannot work without the connection to the Client’s Analytics and Google Search Console accounts.


The Service is accessible every day 24 hours a day, except during Planned and Urgent Maintenances.


Semji is committed to provide an availability rate of at least 99% for the Service.
Service availability is defined as the ability to access the Service over a Reference Period (RP) covering the time period from Monday to Friday (except French public holidays), from 07:00 to 20:00 (Central European Time CET / Central European Summer Time CEST).
DT refers to the downtime of the Service, which does not include interruptions related to (i) the Planned Maintenance (ii) Urgent Maintenance (iii) interruptions due to Force Majeure event; (iv) interruptions caused by a Semji’s supplier who is not able to offer a minimum availability rate equivalent to that of Semji; or (v) interruptions linked with a system that is outside the scope of the Subscription Service, including without limitation the Client’s telecommunications network.
The Availability Rate (AR) is calculated on a monthly basis:
AR = (RP – sum of DT) / RP * 100 [%]Only the production Environment is subject to the availability rate mentioned above.


An Update is defined as one of the two following things:

  • Update to enhance the Service;
  • Corrective patches.

Specific Developments are expressly not considered as Updates. Semji shall perform Updates without the prior approval of the Client.


Semji is responsible for the backups and recovery service in order to secure Client Data.
Client Data backups are performed on daily monthly cycles as below:

Backup Type Frequency Retention Period
Daily Each night 7 calendar day
Weekly Every week 4 weeks
Monthly Every month 12 months

In the event of damage occurring on the infrastructure operating the Service, Semji is committed to recovering the Service on the basis of the most appropriate backup.

Published on May 20, 2024

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