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Technical Prerequisites


This document covers the technical issues and requirements related to workstations, telecommunications and  networking. The respect of these prerequisites is essential to the correct operating of the Service.

Semji shall not be  held responsible for any issues resulting from the malfunctioning of the application if these prerequisites have not been respected. 

This document is provided for the Services concerned and does not take into account other applications used in parallel on the network. 

CLAUSE 1. Workstation prerequisites

  • Display resolution: minimum: 1024 x 768 Recommended: 1920 x 1080 
  • CPU: > 3Ghz
  • RAM: > 4Go
  • Internet access: Yes
  • Web browser: Google Chrome, last stable version, javascript activated, without adblock plugins

CLAUSE 2. Networking prerequisites

2.1. General

The requirements related to telecommunication aspects are relative to connections to sites in metropolitan France. The user experience of SaaS Services depends mainly on the response time between the user’s workstation and Semji’s servers. Each element of the chain that connects the workstation to the Semji’s servers must be taken into consideration. To work in good conditions, the customer’s network and telecom infrastructure must have sufficient bandwidth. 

Clients access their service through a telecom infrastructure set up by them and which must be in accordance with Semji’s technical recommendations described in the following paragraphs. 

2.2. Telecom access requirements

Semji’s services are accessible by all Users via the public Internet network. 

2.3. Average bandwidth requirements

A bandwidth of at least 5 Mbits/s/user is required for a good user experience. This level is not a commitment on the part of Semji as it depends on other flows on the Client’s network.

2.4. Semjibot

To automatically retrieve the content of the Client’s web pages, Semji has developed a crawler that identifies itself with the “user agent” “semjibot”.  The Client must authorize semjibot to access his website(s) in order for this feature to be operational.

Published on June 6, 2023

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