Maximize your SEO results in all your markets
Ready to expand your SEO presence across various markets ? Semji and Weglot share with you the best practices to adopt (and avoid) for a successful global SEO strategy.
Download your Checklist 👇
Overview of the Checklist
The Do's :
- Identify the themes that are most profitable for local competitors ;
- Check the search engine used in the target market ;
- Adapt your domestic top 10, 50, 100 to your targeted market…
The Don'ts :
- Create content by prioritizing speed over quality for your markets ;
- Copy/paste your domestic strategy for all markets ;
- Define your target market solely through the filter of SEO…
Semji is an SEO solution specialized in SEO & Content Marketing.
The goal : Maximize the ROI of your content by accelerating its SEO performance
👉 Produce more efficient SEO content for Google
👉 Save more time on your content production
👉 Generate more traffic to your website
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